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Happy Campers 101: Make Your Next Camping Trip A Success With These Tips

How do I have fun camping?

Camping is a popular type of vacation because it is so simple to pick up and go without too much hassle at any given time. Whether you're going near or far for your camping trip, you should read up a little to be aware of some important camping-related advice that everyone should know about.

Bring a large trash bag for dirtied laundry, and keep it in a central location, suitable for everyone in your party. Let them pack their clothing individually, as this makes it much easier to find than if you pile it all in a community storage box or bag. Toss in a dryer sheet to any bag you want smelling fresh.

When you pack up your camp site to go home, leave a few logs and some kindling for the next camping group that comes along. If you have ever arrived at your site after dark, you know how tough it can be to find firewood! It's a very nice pay-it-forward gesture that will probably help out more than you can imagine.

You can make tasty meals even when you are camping. You do not necessarily need to eat just franks and beans or hamburgers. Pack a box with herbs and spices, olive oil, brown sugar or whatever else you like. You can fix meals that have flavor even when you are "roughing" it.

Avoid any wildlife you may come into contact with. Bears have become a fairly large problem with campers. In some parks they have been known to rip open the trunk of a car to gain access to food. Raccoons are also a big problem in many campgrounds. Not only are they smart and can gain access to your food supplies easily, but they can carry disease as well.

Kids love to camp, but make sure you plan activities for them. Boredom is something that you will want to avoid at all costs while camping. They may not be familiar with things like fishing, putting up a tent or otherwise roughing it. Teach them about these activities prior to leaving.

While camping, cook easy dinners like "hobo stew". Simply bring potatoes, ground meat, and veggies. Cut the veggies and potatoes at your campsite. Using tinfoil like a bowl, put the ingredients inside and fold the foil over until the food is covered. Place foil on hot rocks or the coals of the campfire, and eventually you will have a tasty "stew".

When you are camping, you should never eat anything unless you are absolutely certain of what it is. There is nothing worse than a strong case of stomach problems when you are far away from both medical attention and a toilet. It is recommended to only eat food that you bring.

Create a list of items you need for your camping trip. This is crucial when traveling to a campground. Pack in advance to avoid the stresses of packing before your trip.

If your children are with you, establish a daily routine early on. This will help them adjust to their new surroundings and have a good time. Try to stick to a certain bedtime and eat your meals at about the same time each day. Your kids will be happier, and you will be as well.

When you find your camping spot, put the tent up on top of the patch of ground that is flattest and softest. If you select a bumpy or slanted area, you will have an uncomfortable experience in your tent. Always lay a tarp down first to prevent water from entering or damaging the tent.

If you put some thought in ahead of time, you will not have to worry about drained batteries in your flashlight while you are at a camp out. Your flashlight's power switch can be easily turned on by mistake while you search through your bag. Keep your flashlight in a secure place to avoid accidentally turning them on. That way, the flashlight cannot possibly drain the batteries if the ON button is bumped.

Prepare some of the food ahead of time so you will not have to mess around with it at the camp site. Make up some sandwiches, precook the pasta and take along foods that can be eaten as is to make each meal less tedious. Other meals can be enjoyable to prepare in the woods, but some should be ready to go on the days the weather is not perfect.

Camping is fun, and camping with kids can be even more fun, but certain precautions need to be made for these little campers. Take plenty of extra clothes for them, because they will get dirty and wet. It's important they don't stay in wet clothes, because it's possible, it could result in hypothermia. This goes for adults, too.

A great tip for anyone that is going camping is to take plenty of water. In this case, there is absolutely no such thing as too much water. Plan out how much water you will need and then try and at least double the amount just to be on the safe side.

Never hike alone. It may sound juvenile, but always use the buddy system. It can be easy to get lost or turned around in nature. You could slip and hurt yourself. In instances like these, it is best to have someone along. Even if you have your cellphone handy, you may find it doesn't get reception in the woods.

When camping, many people wake up in the morning, only to find out they they have left items out that are now wet. This is because of the morning dew, which can hardly be avoided. If the weather conditions are right, dew is inevitable, so make sure you put things away.

Never force anyone to go camping with you, including family or girlfriends. Some people just don't enjoy being in nature, and best portable toilets for camping they will be miserable and in turn, make you miserable as well. If your children are simply not interested, find a babysitter for the weekend and relax alone!

Camping means you and your family and friends can get some time both outdoors and away from the modern world, with all its stress, hectic pace and technology. When you keep in mind all the tips from this article, you can sleep in your tent in peace, knowing all your bases are covered.

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